Project Coordinator in Jakarta

Closing on: Jan 15, 2025

About the organization:

Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia (YRII) is an independent humanitarian and development organization. YRII, previously Islamic Relief Worldwide in Indonesia as globally with Islamic Relief Worldwide we have been fighting poverty and injustice for 30 years, in a world where more than three billion people still live in poverty

Country Purpose:

Islamic Relief Worldwide in Indonesia has been operating since 2003 and officially became Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia in January 2022. The objective of the Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia program is to contribute to the social welfare of the Indonesian people and to alleviate suffering. The main sectors for the program include:

  • Water and Sanitation
  • Sustainable livelihood
  • Education
  • Child Welfare
  • Shelter
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Climate Change

The geographical area: NTB, Aceh, Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Jakarta Province will be expanded to all regions of Indonesia according to the development of the organization. The implementation of the program is carried out directly by YRII or through cooperation partners.

Project Overview:

Islamic Relief Indonesia currently implementing project of the MAKE EXTREME POVERTY HISTORY THROUGH POOR GRADUATION APPROACH (MEMPHIS-PGA).  The overall objective of this project is to make poor women, men, girls, boys, elderly, and people with disability to enjoy their new dignified life after they are graduating from the poverty trap through Ultra Poor Graduation Approach.  To achieve this objective, the project will be implemented for 3 years from June 2024 to May 2027.

Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach (UPG) is a new approach in poverty alleviation programme that is already proven to be effective in Bangladesh. There are 5 pillars in UPG: (1) Better Consumption, (2) Increasing Income, (3) Establish Financial Inclusion, (4) Effective Social Empowerment, and (5) Foster Social Development.  These pillars are implemented integratively with sufficient period between 3 to 5 years. 

In Indonesia, the poverty alleviation programme is not integrative and comprehensive. Therefore, Islamic Relief Indonesia will try to apply Ultra Poor Graduation Approach as it is in Bangladesh, but with several adjustments based on the local context.  The project will be targeting the poorest of the poor in 2 provinces, namely in the area where Islamic Relief Indonesia is already working: NTB and Banten province.   Fifty percent of the rights holders is RHs of graduation model intervention, and the rest will be the ones who have received intervention from us but still need some support due to missing and/or gap against UPG approach. The rationalization for this are a) meeting all pillars of graduation model which is providing a comprehensive intervention to targeted RHs and b) providing longer and complementary intervention since the previous RHs only received short-term and limited support The project will be implemented for the period of 3 years from June 2024 to May 2027.  The budget is 2.5 million CAD from Islamic Relief Canada.

The project will be implemented in 2 provinces are West Nusa Tenggara Province (West Lombok District, East Lombok District and Central Lombok District) and Banten Province (pandeglang District).   

For this project, Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia is seeking a Project Coordinator based in Jakarta

Job Purpose:

Under the guidance and direct supervision of Head of Program, National Project Coordinator, MEAL Coordinator and  coordination with Area Coordinator, Livelihood Specialist will provides and support with technical assistance to the local partners in graduation model implementation. S/he will support planning, implementation, and monitoring the project implementation.  S/he will liaise with project stakeholder (project team, local government, local partners, volunteers, right holders and etc), In addition, s/he will work closely with the project team including MEAL Officers to ensure project deliverables are achieved on scope, time, and budget.

S/he must perform her/his assigned areas with respect to technical assessments, awareness-raising, rights holders profiling, designing, and delivering training. The respected position will capacitate the staff and volunteers in undertaking their duties and assignment accordingly


  • Beneficiary selection for graduation model. The project will select 2,000 RHs for graduation model. The main criteria will be formulated and agreed by stakeholders, such as ultra poor family, vulnerable to disaster and/ or climate change impact, and committed to microfinance scheme. The RHs candidates should be the recipient of government’s social safety net/protection program. Selected RHs will be publicly consulted to get feedback from the community. Final list of RHs will be officially agreed by representative of village government and project team.
  • Livelihood business planning. The project will facilitate technically RHs to formulate a simple business proposal/planning. The business planning could be categorized in 3 different sectors: trading, service, and production. This business planning, then, will be evaluated its feasibility to ensure that the proposed business will be profitable and sustainable.    
  • Livelihood business training (financial literacy and business technical skill)  To support RHs in running their proposed business, the project will equip RHs with business technical skills and financial literacy. Business training will be done based on the business similarity/type. Financial literacy will cover book keeping aimed to improve knowledge and capacity of RHs in financial management (cash flow). 
  • Livelihood asset/cash transfer. Based on approved business proposal of RHs and signed Letter of Agreement (LoA), the project will provide business asset/cash transfer. Learning from recent 4 projects, bank transfer was selected as modality of financial support provision for process acceleration purpose. Moreover, post distribution monitoring (PDM) will be conducted to assess the right holders’ satisfaction, feedback, and complaint. The PDM report will be analysed by the management to take action for improvement, rectification and other suitable steps.
  • Regular business coaching/mentoring. The project will provide RHs with regular business coaching/mentoring. Inviting business expert/practitioners or peer sharing among RHs will be considered to provide technical business advises, resolve business problem, or improve business performance.
  • Linking to social safety net/protection. The project will identify existing government program on social safety net/protection in project site. Moreover, subject to its eligibility criteria, the project will explore to support the RHs for getting access to these government programs.
  • Self Help Group (SHG) formation. RHs will be grouped into SHGs. Number of SHG members will depend on local context, such as one SHGs have 20-25 members/RHs. Each SHG will organize bi-weekly meeting inviting all SHG members. Became SHG member, each RH will have peer support for running livelihood/business (sharing and learning of business knowledge and practices) 
  • Saving mechanism development. Saving scheme or mechanism will be formulated and agreed by SHG member. So, this will gain  ownership and obedience of the members.
  • Apex Body establishment (Baitul Mal Waat Tamil-BMT). The BMT will build Islamic economic ecosystem, the continuation of SHGs’ activities and microfinance accordingly. This body will also create Islamic economic ecosystem
  • Good communications and interpersonal skills.
  • Good communication skill in Bahasa Indonesia and English


  • Poverty reduction, economic and livelihood development, microfinance or relevant field.
  • Minimum 3-5 years in relevant experience.
  • Excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills, working as a team member.
  • Strong initiative and self-motivated, with a strong commitment to teamwork and humanitarian principle.
  • Able to write report quality report supported by data and evidence


  • University degree in Development Studies, Economy, management, or another related field
  • Five years minimum experience in poverty reduction, economic and livelihood development, microfinance or relevant field.
  • Have experiences working with implementing partners such local NGO or government
  • Computer literate with fluency of using Microsoft Word, Excel, survey tools

YRII is a faith-based government organization that respects diversity and inclusiveness. Applicants from diverse religions, gender, race, and physical impairment are encouraged to apply


All YRII team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of our field project


Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia participates in the inter-agency Misconduct Scheme to ensure that our operations and programs, staff, representatives, children, young people, and people at risk are protected against the risk of harm and abuse. With a zero-tolerance approach, YRII is committed to responding appropriately and constructively to any information related to safeguarding issues during the recruitment process.

How to apply :

Please submit your application by completing the application form through this link:

Applications submitted directly to Yayasan Relief Islami Indonesia Office will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

The deadline for submitting applications : 

January 15th, 2025

Job Category: Program
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Jakarta

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